ca 1795 - bef 19 Jul 1838 Wayne County, NC
The parents of John are unknown. A search of available wills, estates and slave names does not confirm a relation to him. He married Mary (Polly) Carraway before 1816. She was the daughter of John Carraway whose wife's 1823 Petition for Dower states John Carraway died in September last, intestate, leaving his widow and Richard, Henry, John, Charles, Bryan, Betsey, Sally Carraway, Polly the wife of John McKinne, William, Zylpha, Ann, Charlotte and Jesse Carraway his children as heirs at law.
The children of John and Mary McKinne were mentioned in her 1839 petition for dower and the 1850 census provides their ages:
Mary McKinne Dower Land, 1839 (125 acres)
1820 Wayne County, NC Census
1840 Wayne County, NC Census - Indian Springs
1850 Wayne County, NC Census - South side Neuse
1860 Wayne County, NC Census - Indian Springs
1870 Wayne County, NC Census - Brogden
Other McKinnes
Barnaby McKinne, 1816
Indenture made 6 Nov 1817 between Richard Carraway and John McKinne Jun'r both of Wayne, for $3200 land in Wayne adjacent to Probert Colliers line near the head of the Short Branch, branch on the Hill, run of Caraway's Creek, the old mill, old Neuse Road, Great or Slocumb Marsh to my back line, formerly my Father, John Caraway's back line, it being the land which my said Father deeded to me by Deed of Gift this day and being all the land which he owned and on the north side of said lines and courses (acres not given). Witnesses: Elizabeth Carraway and J. Slocumb. Registered: February Term 1821. Wayne County, NC Register of Deeds; Bk 12, pg 114.
February 25, 1824 - Wayne County - In obedience to an Order of Court issued February Term 1824 we the Subscribers have been summoned and sworn by the Sheriff of sd county to lay off and divide the lands of John Caraway dec'd between the lawful heirs of sd dec'd: No 1 - Beg'n for John McKinnie land on the east side of Caraway Creek on the Mill Pond adjacent to the old Neuse Road, Collier's corner, run of Caraway Creek, John McKinnie's corner and containing 75 acres. One other tract (No 7) on the side of Goshen Road adjacent to Solomon Path, old Neuse Road and containing 84 acres. Wayne County, NC Register of Deeds; Bk 13, pg 109. Image
Indenture made September 1, 1842 between Mary McKinnie and William Carraway both of Wayne, for $26 land in Wayne all her right title and interest she had in and to one undivided eleventh part of land formerly belonging to her brother Jesse Carraway dec'd formerly belonging to her father John Carraway dec'd. Also another tract of land adjacent to the river road at the foot of Solomon's Path, W. D. Cobbs line, K. E. Best's line, Wm Carraway's line containing 84 acres. Witnesses: W. D. Cobb and Wilburt J. Futrill. Registered: Feb'y 22, 1855. Wayne County, NC Register of Deeds; Bk 24, pg 194. Image
Indenture made October 23, 1846 between Mary McKinnie and George W. Collier both of Wayne, for $325 land in Wayne known as lot No 5 in the division of the lands of John McKinnie and drawn by Mary McKinnie adjacent to a read oak David McKinnie's beginning corner, stake in the old Road, George W. Collier and Mary McKinnie's corner and containing 116 acres. Witnesses: W. D. Cobb and John J. Collier. Registered: November Term 1846. Wayne County, NC Register of Deeds; Bk 20, pg 424. Image
Deed of Trust - 23 Feb 1847 - Know all men by these presents that I Mary McKinne Sr of the first part and John Everett, Mary McKinne Jr., J. W. S. West and Richard Washington, and George W. Collier of the third part mutually chosen by the parties of the first and second part as trustee of the third part. Witnesseth that the said Mary McKinne Sr. is indebted to:
Indenture between George W. Collier and John W. S. West both of Wayne executed by Mary McKinne Senior 23 Feb 1847 to Geo. W. Collier as trustee for purpose of securing debts therein enumerated the said Mary McKinne Senr. conveyed among other things one tract of land known as the dower of said Mary McKinne Senr. as allotted to her by the Jury appointed for that purpose in the year 1839 and on which the said Mary McKinne resided and whereas by virtue of the estate a power in said George W. Collier as trustee vested the said George W. Collier as trustee having duly advertised the day and place of sale as required in said deed on December 28, 1847 expose the aforesaid tract of land or dower to public sale when or where John W. S. West became the last and highest bidder therefore and the same was knocked off to the said John W. S. West for the sum of $40.30 and whereas the said John W. S West. had paid the said sum or secured the same. 21 Feb 1848, Witnesses: W. D. Cobb and James H. Everitt. Registered: April 5, 1853. Wayne County, NC Register of Deeds; Bk 23, pg 372.
Sheriff Deed - 11 Sep 1847 - To all persons to whom these present shall come I Ollin Coor High Sheriff of Wayne by a writ issued unto the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions the third Monday of May 1847 last past and to the said Sheriff directed he was commanded that of the goods and chattels and in default thereof of the lands and tenements of Mary McKinne if to be found in his county she should cause to be made the sum of $369.85 with interest on the same of $327.62 from the 18th day of 1847 with A. C. Evans lately in the said court recovered for his debt and damages against the said Mary McKinne and which were then and there adjudged to the said A. C. Evans for his debt and damages and also the further sum of $9.75 which were then and there adjudged the said A. C. Evans for his costs and charges by him in said suit expended and whereof the said Mary McKinne was liable as appears of record - by virtue of said writ he had served and taken in execution two certain pieces or parcels of land in Wayne; one tract containing about 88 acres and with the Mill thereon adjoining the lands of Geo W. Collier, Wm. Carraway; one other tract being the dower of Mary McKinne whereon she now resides all which said land were under mortgage or conveyed by a deed in trust to Geo. W. Collier at the time of the levy on and sale of the same and whereas the said Sheriff having given due and legal notices of the time and place of sale of the said land did on the 17th day of Augt 1847 expose the same to sale by public vendue and sold to A. C. Evans for $245. Witnesses: Jno. A. Green and Waitman Thompson. Registered: Feb'y Court 1848. Wayne County, NC Register of Deeds; Bk 20, pg 543.
Indenture made 21 Feb 1848 between George W. Collier and John W. S. West both of Wayne whereas by a deed in trust executed 23 Feb 1847 by Mary McKinne Senr. to George W. Collier as trustee one tract of land containing about 88 acres with the mill thereon adjoining the lands of George W. Collier and William Carraway and trustee advertised the day and place of sale did on 28 Dec of same year expose the tract of land to public sale when John W. S. West became the last and highest bidder for the sum of $242 George W. Collier has conveyed to John W. S. West all the interest conveyed to said George W. Collier as trustee by said Mary McKinne Senr. in said deed of trust in and to the aforesaid tract known as the Mill tract. Witnesses: W. D. Cobb and James W. Everett. Registered: 5 April 1853. Wayne County, NC Register of Deeds; Bk 23, pg 373.
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Guy Potts