Dobbs/Wayne County, NC
From "A History of the Cayce Family in America" by Ben F. Cayce:
Wayne County, NC Heritage Book - contributed by Gladys Barwick Weeks
Micajah Casey appears in the 1769 Dobbs County Tax List with one poll taxable. He appeared in the 1790 census for Wayne County, NC. He left an estate in 1800 mentioning wife Sarah who is thought to have been Sarah Herring. One of the items mentioned in the estate is a child's chair with a goat hide seat. This chair was one of my family's most cherished possessions in my childhood days. Unfortunately it was run over by a runaway team of horses and demolished.
Micajah and Sarah were the parents of eight children and many of the citizens of Southern Wayne County are their descendants:
William Casey, son of the above, was born ca 1774 on his father's plantation on Sleepy Creek and died ca 1834 on his plantation on Bear Creek near present day New Hope School. He married Zilphia, probably Zilphia Hines, daughter of Reuben Hines.
Mary Casey married William Harris and they were in Muhlenberg County, Kentucky by 1810.
John Casey married 1st Polly Bass, 2nd -- Lewis, 3rd Nancy Norris. Many of this family live west of Mt. Olive in the Thunder Swamp and Smith's Chapel area.
Micajah Casey was deceased by August 1, 1810. He had bought the shares of most of the heirs of his father, Micajah, before his death (below). The heirs inherited this land after his death, therefore, he must not have married.
Susan Casey married Urban Lewis (link to Lewis page)
Sally Casey married Ulle Lewis (link to Lewis page)
Richard Casey born ca 1789 married Polly Smith and died in 1855 in Wayne County. They reared a large family south of Neuse River.
Matthew Casey was deceased by 1819. There are no records of what happened to the land he received from the estate of his father.
Who was Charles Cayce?
Who was Jeremiah Casey?
1769 Dobbs County Tax List
1786 Wayne County Tax List
1786 NC Early Census Index (no image)
1788 NC Early Census Index (no image)
Micajah and Jeremiah Casey were the only Casey males in the 1790 Wayne census
1790 Wayne County, NC Census
Micajah Casey was the only Casey male in the 1800 Wayne census
1800 Wayne County, NC Census
1810 Wayne County, NC Census
1820 Wayne County, NC Census
Micajah Casey deeds and land grants, 1773-1796
From Micajah Casey Estate Papers
I promise to pay Lewis Martin three pounds twelve and 6d lawfull money of No Carolina on demand thirteen months after date it being for value received of him as Witness my hand and seal this 1st day of December 1797. Micajah Casey Junior witness. Note
For value rec'd I promise to pay Robert Donnell or order the sum of five pounds eleven shillings with legal interest from the first of January last until paid Witness my hand and seal this 13th day of May 1799. Test John Watson. Note
October 15, 1799 - Micajah Casey to Wm Dunkan for one quart of brandy, 6 shillings. This day Wm Dunkan made oath that the above account was just and true and that he had given all just credit. Sworn before me 14 Nov 1800, Leven Watkins JP. Note
Brandy and Rum Purchases 1799-1800
On or before the first day of Jan'y next I promise to pay Jacob Herring his Heirs or assigns the sum fifty milled dollars for value rec'd this 17th day of Jan'y 1800. $50. Note
For value rec'd I promise to pay Negro Toney or order the sum of four pounds nineteen shillings and three pence North Carolina Currency with legal interest from this date until paid. Witness my hand and seal this 10th day of Feb'r 1800, John Watson. Note
State of No Carolina Wayne County - To any Lawful officer to Execute and return - you are hereby commanded to take the body of Micajah Casey and him cause to appear before me or some other Justice for sd County to answer the Complaint of Danel Harress in a plea for the nonpayment of twenty shillings due by act here in fail not at your pursuit and this shall be your Warrant, given under my hand this 25 day of April 1800. E. Slocumb. Summons
I promise to pay James Sasser seventeen shillings and six pence value rec'd Witness my hand and seal this 15th July 1800. Teste Rd Martin. (Sarah Casey) - Note
Inventory of the property of Micajah Casey Sen decd
M. Casey Sr. Note 25 pounds - Received April 23rd 1801 seventeen pounds in part the within note Jacob Herring. Received of Farn'd Green five pounds ten shillings pr acct of the within note the 16 Febry 1802. Note.
Account of Estate sold 1 Aug 1800. Buyers were Sarah Casey Senr, Sarah Casey Junr, Micajah Casey [Jr], William Harris Junr, Michail Wilkins, John Carraway, Negro Toney, Samuel Albertson, Samuel Herring, John Geddens, Joseph Winfield, Daniel Harris, William Whitfield, Kedar Hines, Stephen Hines, Zachariah Harris, Alexander Frarar, James Green, Isaac Hines, John Reaves, and Uriah Blanchard. Recorded Nov'r Court 1803.
State of North Carolina Wayne County - this may certify that the amount of the account of the sales of Micajah Casey dec'd returned by Sarah Casey the admr'x to October Term 1800 is as follows to wit: ninety one pounds ten shillings and six pence. Six sows and 13 shotes not sold. Teste Jas. Sasser. Image
Wayne County May Term 1803 - Wayne County, NC - Ordered to William Whitfield, James Herring, and James Collier be appointed a Committee to settle the estate of Micajah Casey deceased, with the Admtr'x and make due a report to next Court. Committee
Wayne County August Term 1803 - Ordered that William Whitfield, Joseph Winfield and Barnaby McKinne be appointed a Committee to settle the accounts current of the estate of Micajah Casey Dec'd with Sarah Casey the Administratrix and report to next Court. Copy teste, Jas, Sasser. Committee
The following deeds were between the children of Micajah and Sarah Casey. Estate papers show Micajah died possessed of 340 acres. The eight children inherited 31.25 acres each totaling 250 acres. The difference may have been the Widow's Dower land.
Indenture made November 24, 1804 between John Casey and Micajah Casey [Jr] both of Wayne, for $24 land in Wayne which land belonged to Micajah Casey dec'd, one eighth part of his land fell to John Casey supposed to be 31 1/4 acres. Witnesses: Wm. C. Cook and Wm. Casey. Registered: Feb'y Court 1805. Wayne County, NC Register of Deeds; Bk 8, pg 208. Images
Indenture made November 24, 1804 between Sally Casey and Micajah Casey [Jr] both of Wayne, for $24 which lands belonged to Micajah Casey dec'd and by the death of Micajah Casey dec'd one eighth part of his land containing 31 1/4 acres. Witnesses: Wm. C. Cook and Casey. Registered: Feb'y Court 1805. Wayne County, NC Register of Deeds, Bk 8, pg 182. Images
Indenture made 1 Jan 1805 between William & Mary Harris to Micajah Casey [Jr] for $24, lands which belonged to Micajah Casey Senr and by the death of Micajah Casey Senr one eight part of his lands fell to Wm and Mary Harris, 31 1/4 acres. Witnesses: John Casey and William C. Cook. Registered: Feb'y Court 1805. Wayne County, NC Register of Deeds; Bk 8, pg 207.
Indenture made November 6, 1806 between William Casey to Micajah Casey [Jr] both of Wayne, for $24, which land fell to William Casey by the death of his father Micajah Casey Sen one eight part of his land. [31 1/4a]. Witnesses: Wm. Whitfield, Wm C. Cook. Registered: November Court 1806. Wayne County, NC Register of Deeds, Bk 8 pg 448. Image
Micajah Casey [Jr] died by 1810 and the following siblings were selling their 1/7th share of his land.
Indenture made August 1, 1810 between William Harris of the state of Kentucky and county of Muhlenberg and John Casey of Wayne, for $5.50 land in Wayne all my right title interest and claim on demand in and to the land
of which Micajah Casey Junior died possessed and to which I the said Harris am one of the heirs at law in right of my wife Mary and containing 22 1/4 acres. Witnesses: J. Slocumb and H. G. Slocumb. Registered: not given. Wayne County, NC Register of Deeds; Bk 10, pg 19.
August 4, 1812- John Casey sold his and three of his sister's shares of the land received after their father's death. This deed names the father, two of his sons and the husbands of three daughters. It is signifcant in that it can help prove the relationship of five of Micajah Casey's children to their father. Images
Indenture made 25 Aug 1812 between Sally Casey, William Casey and Richard Casey on the one part and William Whitfield all of Wayne, for $318.25 land in Wayne on the east side of Sleepy Creek it being our shares of the land where on our Father formerly lived as follows to wit the said Sally Caseys share thereof twenty two acres and two sevenths she having previously sold her interest in her father's land to her Brother Micajah Casey who died Intestate she therefore being entitled to one Seventh part of his land which makes the quantity as sevenths he having sold out his interest as above the said Richard Caseys share thereof is fifty three acres and a half he being entitled to his distribution share of both his father and brothers lands as above reserving nevertheless to our Mother her right of Dower in said land containing 98 acres. Witnesses: Edwin ? and J. Slocumb. Registered: Aug't Court 1813. Wayne County, NC Register of Deeds; Bk 10, pg 30. Image
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Guy Potts