Wayne & Greene County, NC Thought to be Hannah. Found in the photos of her sister Mary Caroline Potts Jones. Hannah was the daughter of Newman and Susan Marinda Lewis Potts of Brogden towhship. She married George William Stafford.
Contributed by Zelda Braswell Wood and Deidre Wood Kraft George William Stafford was the oldest son and third child of Joseph J. Stafford and his wife, Cheley Ann Denning. He was born on a farm in Wayne County in 1858. The 1860 census lists George W. as one year of age with his parents in the Buck Swamp District with the post office as Milton in Wayne County. By the 1870 census he was living in Johnston County at Bentonville with his parents. His age is listed as Twelve years. In the 1880 census they are listed as living in the Grantham District and George is twenty-two. The area is the same, the name of the township is different. In June of 1882 George William married Hannah M. Potts, the daughter of Newman and Susan Potts. Sometime after this, they left Johnston County and moved to Greene County. They lived on a farm in Wayne County that Hannah inherited from her parents but later, because of indebtedness, they lost this farm. Their next move was to a farm they rented near Harrell's Chapel. Later they moved to the Berry Gwin Farm and Kim Suggs Farm. George and Hannah were members of Harrell's Chapel Original Free Will Baptist Church which kept a strict Sunday with no cooking being done on Sunday. George was a lay minister in this church and would hold prayer meeting on Wedneswday nights. Once my grandfather visited from Johnston County, hoping to hear his brother preach. When another man preached instead, my grandfather expressed his disappointment and asked about what he was paid to preach. George answered, "Poor preacher, poor pay." Hannah would not cook on Sunday so George would put on the apron and go into the kitchen since he liked to cook. Once a stranger came by and found some hot food on Sunday because Uncle George had cooked. Coming back another Sunday, he was disappointed to find Hannah there and he got cold food, so he asked for the "woman" who had been there the Sunday before. During their last years, Hannah and George lived apart. She lived with Etta and George lived with William. They died eight months apart and are buried at Harrell's Chapel.
George William Stafford married Hannah M. Potts on June 18, 1882 To them there were six children:
1. Elmetta Stafford, m. Joseph Lemuel Sauls
Hannah Mariah Potts Stafford
Appears to be Hannah Mariah Potts Stafford on the left
George William Stafford
Potts, Jones, Fields and Stafford Reunion
George W. & Hannah Mariah Potts Stafford Deeds
1900 Greene County, NC Census
Buried in Harrell's Chapel Free Will Baptist Church Cemetery, Greene County, NC