Greene County, NC
William Lewis was born September 6, 1761 in Dobbs (now Greene) County, NC and died in Cumberland County, NC on October 6, 1841. It is not known where he was buried. The courthouse in Greene County burned in 1876 destroying any records indicating who William's family members were. Image from pension papers.
In 1777 and at the age of 16, he entered the Revolutionary War and ended his service on October 1, 1781. He submitted a Pension Application in 1833 in Sampson County, NC detailing his service. In 1841 he executed a Power of Attorney to Benjamin Lewis in Cumberland County, NC to receive his pension from 1 Mar 1841 to 4 Sep 1841.
"When called into service I was living in Dobbs (now Greene) County, NC where I continued to reside till about thirty years ago; I then moved to Wayne County NC and lived four or five years thence to Duplin County NC I lived about three years; thence into South Carolina & lived four years; thence into Lenoir County NC & lived about four years; thence into Sampson County NC where I have ever since lived and now live". His
Obituary states he was born in Contentnea in Greene County, NC.
It is said William married Sarah Utley and their children were Urban, Ulley, Rebecca, James, Thomas, Stephen, Cadir, Sarah, Mary and Benjamin. There is documentation for Urban, Ulley and another son, Laban, but none has been found for the spouse and other children. It is said Rebecca married John Casey of Wayne County, son of Micajah Casey (d 1800) but the Casey Family history in Wayne County states John's second wife was "--- Lewis".
William Lewis Family
Other Lewis in Dobbs County from the mid 1700's
William not in 1790 Dobbs County Census
Greene County, NC 1800 Census
William not in 1810-1820 Census
Sampson County, NC 1830 Census
Robeson County, NC 1840 Census
When William Lewis filed for a pension he was asked to note the names of persons to whom he was known in his present neighborhood and who could testify as to his character for veracity, and their belief of his services as a soldier of the Revolution. He stated that in his former neighborhood (Greene) he would name
Willis Dickson,
Henry Best,
Drew Aldridge,
Rev. Seth Speight,
Rev. John Gibbons and
Josiah Whitley. Three of these men had land grants at Tison's Marsh in the Contentnea area.
It is proposed the following was William Lewis born in 1761.
1792 - William Lewis signed a petition for dividing the county of Dobbs.
1800 - At an Election begun and held at Snow Hill on the second Thursday and Friday in August in 1800. To elect one person qualified to represent the County of Greene in the Senate of the General Assembly the present year. The vote of the free holders of the said County were taken as Follows - to wit - William Lewis, others.
1800 - Petition of James Holmes and Sherwood Barrow of Greene County to become good citizens - signed William Lewis, others.
New Bern District Court Records DSCR 206.326.3-5
This first case involved a man named Drury Aldridge and the name Drew Aldridge was mentioned in William's pension application as being one of his former neighbors in Greene County.
Folder: 1794 - Information: Indictment of Jesse Aldridge and Drury Aldridge for theft of a duck, cart, & [can't read-sbg] from William Lewis. [Back: A true bill as Aldridge; not a true bill as to Drury Aldridge].
Date: 6 Sept 1793 - Date of: Event - County: Glasgow. Images
A witness in this case was Bartheny Lewis, possibly William's wife, who would have had first hand knowledge of the incident.
Folder: 1797 - Summons for Martha Jones Sheppard, Henry Best, Blaney Harper Senr. & William Lewis to appear and testify against John Sheppard & others. Date: 19 Mar 1797 - Date of Bond - County: Glasgow - Image
Folder: 1797 (second folder) - Witnesses Sum'd in this Prosecution see file Martha Jones Sheppard, Henry Best, Blaney Harper, William Lewis [note: this is all that is on this slip of paper-sbg]. Date: Not given - Date of: - County: Not given - Image
Folder: 1797 (second folder) - List of witnesses in the case of the state vs. John Sheppard and others indicted for riot: Saml. Holliday (pros. witness), John Holliday, Graves Bright, Fred. Dixon, Willm. Reddick, Wm. Lewis, Silas Lassiter, Zach. Hart. Date of 1795: County: Not given - Image
Folder: 1800 - Information: Inquisition into the death of John Sheppard. Jurors: Seth Speight Senr., foreman; Adam Heath, Mark Heath, Michael Hill, Abraham Hill, John B. Brand, William Lewis, Michael Edwards, Jonas Williams, Etheldred Smith, Kinchen Garland, Sharp Wood. Date: 15 Feb 1800. Date of: Inquisition - County: Greene - Image
Folder: 1802 - Appearance bond for Jesse Langston, Jesse Aldridge, Frances Caswell, William Lewis, & Richard Allen to appear and testify against Etheldred Smith, James Holmes, Benj Smith, Thomas Smith, Richard Smith, & John Edmundson for committing riot at the house and on the body of Jesse Langston. Date: 11 Feb 1801 - Date of: Bond - County: Greene - Image
On April 20, 1807 William Lewis received a Land Grant on the south side of Great Contentnea Creek and on the north side of the Rain Bow [Creek] in Greene County adjacent to his son Urban's land grant and both grants were issued the same day. Kedar Lewis was one of the chain bearers. William bought land in neighboring Wayne County in 1806 and may have moved prior to this land grant being issued.
William appeared November 21, 1806 in Wayne County, NC in a Deed, in which he bought 161 acres from Simon Herring on both sides of the south prong of Sleepy Creek. This is likely the same 161 acres he deeded to son Laban 1 May 1809. Simon Herring is thought to be the father of Laban's wife Mourning Herring. Image
William appeared in Wayne County in November 21, 1807 in a Deed of Gift to his son Urban land containing 220 acres on Sleepy Creek.
William appeared in Wayne County in 1808 in a Deed of Gift to his son Ulley land containing 100 acres.
William appeared in Wayne County in 1809 in a Deed to Laban Lewis land containing 161 acres on both sides of Sleepy Creek. Laban's estate mentions "at his death his real estate consisted of two tracts in Wayne on which said Laban Lewis lived containing between 250-300 acres being on Sleepy Creek and was conveyed to said Laban by his father William Lewis by deed and the other tract contains about 400 acres lying on Sleepy Creek conveyed to said Laban by Joseph Everitt and adjoins the first tract".
Lewis Deeds -
Chowan -
Craven -
Duplin -
Greene -
Hertford -
Lenoir -
Sampson -
Wayne -
South Carolina
Lewis Wills and Estates
Chowan County - Ann Lewis, 1771 -
John Lewis, 1765 -
John Lewis, 1766
Craven County - Jacob Lewis, 1769
Robeson County - Edward Lewis, 1857 - James Lewis Estate, 1802 - James Lewis, 1829 - John Lewis, 1842 - Images
Sampson County - Ollen M. Lewis, 1887
Wayne County - Many
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Guy Potts