John Casey, Urban Lewis, Ulle Lewis & William Harris - 1812

From David Boyd Cofer Jr.

This deed shows John Casey selling his and three of his sister's shares of the land received after their father's death. This deed names the father, two of his sons and the husbands of three daughters. It is signficant in that it can help prove the relationship of five of Micajah Casey's children to their father.

Wayne County, NC Register of Deeds, Book 10, Page 35

State of No Carolina
This indenture made this 14th day of August in the year of our Lord 1812 between John Casey of the state aforesaid and county of Wayne on the one part and William Whitfield of the same place of the other part Witnesseth that the said John Casey for and in consideration of the sum of five hundred and thirty dollars in hand paid is hereby acknowledged have granted bargained and sold unto the said Wm Whitfield his heirs and assigns forever 152 acres of land situate lying and being in the aforesaid county of Wayne on the east side Sleepy Creek it being Ulle Lewis, Urban Lewis, Wm Harris in the right of their wives and my own share of land whereof my father Micajah Casey Dec'd formerly lived and of which he died possessed and including also the part of said land to which the aforesaid Ulle Lewis, Urban Lewis, William Harris and myself are entitled as heirs at law of Micajah Casey Jun'r dec'd the same being undivided which said several shares or parts of land I the said John Casey for myself my heirs Exr's Adm'rs and assigns do hereby covenant promise and agree to warrant and by these presents defend unto them the said William Whitfield his heirs Ex'rs and assigns for ever and against the lawful claims or demand of all manner of person or persons whatsoever reserving nevertheless to my Mother her right of dower in the aforesaid tract of land.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the day and year first above written.
John Casey (Seal)
Signed Sealed and acknowledged in the presents of J. Slocumb and Hannah G. Slocumb
May Court 1813
